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Swim Meet Volunteer Jobs

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Pre- and Post- Meet

Set Up * Help set up the pool before the meet (Friday evenings for Saturday meets, Monday afternoons for Monday meets)
Clean Up * Immediately after meet, help return the pool to normal set up so it may open to the general membership.

* Great beginner job

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"On Deck"

Marshal * Ensure meet is run safely. (snazzy orange vest)
Clerk of Course - Head Assemble swimmers and get them to the right lane for the right event.
Clerk of Course - Asst * Assist head clerk in assembling swimmers and getting them to the right lane for the right event.
Timer * Time swimmers and record results.  Each lane has 3 Timers assigned - great for getting to know other swim families and learning the ropes while having back-up.
Chief Timer - Head Operate backup watches and collect time cards.
Chief Timer - Asst Assist chief timer in operating backup watches and collecting time cards.
Announcer Announce events and results.
Runner * Run time cards from Head Timer to Tables, run results from Tables to Announcer -- can be adult or child.

* Great beginner job

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These volunteers are usually located in a shaded area with seats for the duration of the meet.

Place Recorder * Verify meet results.
Data Entry Enter meet results into database.
Verifier * Verify times have been entered correctly into Meet Manager.
Award Clerk Prepare award ribbons.

* Great beginner job

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Dolphin Diner

The Dolphin Diner serves as the main fundraiser for the team by selling concessions at home meets.

Manager Manage concession operations.
Set Up * Prep the diner right before the meet.
Griller * Grill hamburgers and hot dogs for the Dolphin Diner.
Wrapper * Wrap hamburgers and hot dogs for the Dolphin Diner.
Sales * Sell food and drink.
Clean Up * Clean up snack bar area after the meet.
Item pick-up/return * Pick-up and/or return items to various concession providers (for example: Wegmans, Chik Fil A, Anita's).
Ice drink coolers * Done the afternoon or evening before the swim meet. Load team coolers with ice for diner.

* Great beginner job

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Officials (require NVSL certification)

Referee (Chief Judge) Run the meet.
Starter Direct the start for each race.
Stroke & Turn Judge Enforce stroke and turn rules fairly - requires certification.
Relay Take-Off Judge Judge swimmer take-offs during relays.
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